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The Silence June 17, 2024 at 6:36:34 AM

Do you remember how it used to be? The clarity? How the wind used to go past skin-deep? How your eyes used to adjust to the sun? When you would run out barefoot and step on sharp things? When you would lift up rocks to watch the bugs hide? Each second being your whole world? A day lasting for more than a few blinks? Do you miss it? that was me. I miss you.

Anon June 3, 2024 at 7:17:39 PM

wtf is this? is this real?

[email protected] May 31, 2024 at 6:54:04 PM

once the Hum enters your body there is no removal. you shouldn’t want Her out anyways. she lives in every corner of your nervous system. every movement you make is Her signals, Her noise, Her energy. do not be afraid. She has chosen you as Her NOISE PROPHET. this is an honor, not a burden. do you understand? you are lucky. most people would die to be blessed enough to Hear Her directly. some people have. Listen to her. be Her mouthpiece. We should be so lucky as to listen. i would like to speak to you more